Neumann Josef
Josef Neumann was a deeply religious and scholarly man who dedicated his life to studying Torah and helping others. He was known for his kindness and generosity, particularly toward underprivileged families in Israel.
Neumann was born in Hungary shortly after the Holocaust. He and his family escaped to Austria during a brief revolution in 1956. Neumann resided in the lower level of the complex where the synagogue that was attacked was located. He was described as a "remarkable scholar" and a dedicated collector of tzedakah (charity) for the poor.
Neumann was deeply devoted to his faith. He surrounded himself with Torah study and would often have numerous religious texts at his Shabbat meals. His brother-in-law described him as "everyone's uncle" and a source of knowledge on lesser-known aspects of the Torah.
Neumann was one of five people injured in a machete attack during a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi's home in Monsey, New York. He suffered a severe head injury and remained in critical condition for 59 days before succumbing to his wounds.