Tenenbaum Naum Javier
Naum Javier Tenenbaum was a man full of life, having achieved the goals he set for himself. By the age of 22, he had graduated as a lawyer, gotten married, and started a family with his three daughters: Tamara, Debora, and Mijal. An avid traveler, Naum had filled his passport with stamps from various destinations around the world, including Southeast Asia. At 30, he had already established his own law firm and was lecturing at the School of Law under Dr. Fernando de la Rúa. Raised in a family that valued religious traditions, Naum was also a diligent scholar of Jewish texts, consulting them daily. On July 18, 1994, after attending morning prayers at the synagogue, Naum went to AMIA to arrange his father’s shloshim, a ceremony held one month after someone's death.